Specific Resources for Faculty
Lessons and Webinars
- Lessons and webinars: Coronavirus Lesson Plans and Resources (American Federation of Teachers, 2020), available at https://sharemylesson.com/collections/coronavirus#self-care-for-students-and-adults
- Lessons and webinars: 352 Free K-12 Resources during Coronavirus Epidemic (District Administration), available at https://districtadministration.com/coronavirus-free-teaching-resources-free-education-services-covid-19/
- Lessons and webinars: Interdisciplinary K-12 Resources (National Geographic/Cengage, 2020), available at https://exploreinside.ngl.cengage.com/index.php/interdisciplinary-k12-resources/ (Please note that most of the lessons in this resource are categorized for “middle and high school learners.” However, after careful review, they seem very appropriate for use in lessons for community college students.)
- Webinars: Breath 2020 Symposium: Inspire/Expire (Medical and Health Humanities Africa), available at https://breath.medicalandhealthhumanities.africa (Note: this is a website full of conference proceedings and creative works. It may be of interest to educators in arts and humanities, as well as health-related studies.
- Information for Lessons: Inside the B.1.1.7 Coronavirus Variant by J. Corum and
Suggested Sources To Use in Lessons and Presentations
- Article (peer reviewed): Possible role of tryptophan and melatonin in COVID-19 by M., Essa, H. Hamdan, S.B. Chidambaram, et al. (2020), available at https://doi.org/10.1177/1178646920951832 (NOTE: This open-access article may be of particular interest to educators in biological and health sciences, as well as other health-related studies.)
- Website (governmental): Interim Guidance on the Use of Rapid Antigen tests for COVID-19 Response by Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2020), available at https://africacdc.org/download/interim-guidance-on-the-use-of-rapid-antigen-tests-for-covid-19-response/ (NOTE: The government document on this website provides guidance for African governmental and health care officials to implement effective prevention and treatment programs. The information may be of particular interest to educators in public health, global health, international policy, and other health-related and government-related studies.)
- Article (pre-peer reviewed): Sex Work during the COVID-19 Pandemic by A.J. Nelson, Y.J. Yu, and B. McBride (2020), available at https://saw.americananthro.org/pub/sex-work-during-the-covid-19-pandemic/release/1 (NOTE: This open-access article may be of particular interest to educators in gender and sexuality studies, public health , anthropology, sociology, as well as other health-related studies.)
- Website (with live updates): A living WHO guideline on drugs for COVID-19 by The British Medical Journal (BMJ, 2020), available at https://www.bmj.com/content/370/bmj.m3379 (NOTE: This website contains useful information for faculty in public health, nursing, medicine, and other health-related studies.)
- News article: Inside the B.1.1.7 Coronavirus Variant by J. Corum and